Sebastián Deyá Gallery is always looking for fine quality paintings of various styles and periods including 17th and 18th Century religious themes, landscapes, still lifes, and anonymous works. We also are very interested in Russian and east Europe paintings too.
Artists we sell & seek
Carl Moll
Eugen Bracht
Otto Grashof
Emil Nolde
Leo Putz
Robert Russ
Ernst Huber
Alfred Zoff
Louis Douzette
Albert Clouard
Paul Sérusier
Jules-Émile Zingg
Maurice Denis
Jean Laurent Challié
Conrad Kickert
Yves Alix
Abel Truchet
Michel Simonidy
Dmitry Krasnopevtsev
Stepan Erzia
Mark Antokolsky
Serge Poliakoff
Dmitry Shorin
Abel Pann
Pablo Picasso
Joaquín Sorolla
Sánchez Barbudo
Charles-François Daubigny
Narcisse Díaz de la Peña
Camille Corot
Henri Martin
Henri Le Sidaner
Gustave Loiseau
Pascal Dagnan-Bouveret
Jean-Georges Cornélius
Georges Hanna Sabbagh
If you happen to have something like this and would like to sell it, contact us!
Still lifes
20th Century